Repotting Indoor Plants
Repotting plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of your indoor plants. Plants need new soil roughly every six to eight months for optimal results.
Repotting plants is necessary for several reasons, but soil nutrients play the most crucial role in maintaining the health and growth of your indoor plants.
Signs to Repot Plants:
When new growth has not appeared in over six weeks during the growing season (March to September in Western North Carolina).
When the plant roots are growing out of the bottom of the planter signaling that it’s time to move up to the next size pot.
When the soil is severely compacted and has pulled away from the pot AND it’s been over 8 months since the last repot.
When the soil feels like dust in your hands or has been “eaten” by the plant!
Repotting Process
I start with a meticulous evaluation (either virtual or on site) before the repotting takes place. The purpose is to identify the plants which need to be repotted and which materials are needed (e.g. soil substrate, right sized pots, overall health of plants). Repotting services have a 10 plant minimum with a base price of $150. Additional plants are $10/ea.
Repotting Process
Take all plants to be repotted outside & lay out a tarp to minimize mess
Arrive with various soil substrates that matches the client’s plant needs
Hand mix each substrate in buckets on the tarp to closely mimic the substrate found in the plant’s native habitat
Place the plant in the next size pot or two sizes up (depending on if root bound or not)
If reusing pots from previous plants, sanitize each pot before utilizing
Water the plants in with filtered water
Clean the leaves of each plant
Wipe the outside of the pots off
Place them back inside in locations where they will thrive
Plantiful’s Repotting Service includes:
best soil composition, hand-mixed for each plant
gentle care to help prevent breakage (note: some breakage will happen)
30 minute virtual follow up with Kristina 2-3 weeks after initial visit
Client provides:
the number of plants they want repotted following initial consultation
size of current pots
pots the next size up for each plant to be repotted (Plantiful can provide these for an additional cost)

Why Choose Plantiful Plant Care?
Personalized Service: Every situation, human, and plant are unique and are treated with respect and care that match their needs.
Flexible Scheduling: Biweekly or Monthly schedule available. Flexible consultation times, including evenings and weekends as needed.
Expertise: Our experienced team understands the unique needs of various plant species.
Sustainability: We promote eco-friendly practices, ensuring the well-being of your plants and the environment.
Time-Saving: Let us take care of your plants, so you can focus on what matters most.
Aesthetic Enhancement with Health Benefits: Our services contribute to a more visually appealing and inviting, lush space for you to relax into as daily life stressors melt away.
Experience the benefits of professional plant care with us. Contact us today to schedule your FREE initial plant consultation, and watch your indoor plants flourish and thrive!